[Wonderlands×Showtime] Nene Kusanagi (2)
It's always Tsukasa bullying hours. Special thanks to Bella (+Peace) and Fiore for coming up with a certain something in the end...☆
Series: Project Sekai
Characters: Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi, Rui Kamishiro, Tsukasa Tenma
TLC: 310mc
Location: Phoenix Wonderland - Wonder Stage

With that, the meeting is now in session!
I want to add some novel, never-before-seen acts in our upcoming show. Give me some ideas on what you'd like to see in it!
Oh, oh! I got one! We can all start flying across the sky!
Hmm... Well, it's pretty flashy, but it's not original at all! Step it up a notch!
We could all explode then!
How is exploding supposed to help us!?
Going "KABOOM!" is undoubtedly really flashy and striking! We could use something like colored smoke!
Oh! And I'll be red!
Hold on, I'm supposed to be red! Leaders have been associated with red since ancient times!
However, if the smoke is too flashy, the audience wouldn't be able to see the stage... Your idea has been rejected—once again!
Who else would like to share?
...I hav—
I got another! Let's just explode without the smoke!
Enough with the explosions!
...Could you ple—
Everyone, it appears that Nene has an ingenious idea.
(Did that guy just shove a donut right into Emu's mouth at lightning speed!?)
M-Mmmph...? Nom nom nom...
Your turn, Nene.
(That was so unnecessary.)
Rui's been adding some improvements to NeneRobo...
So that we can both stand on stage together...
(Tsukasa would much rather be the one in the spotlight instead of a robot, so I doubt he'll agree. But...)
NeneRobo, huh? Right. What kind of acts will it do?
(Wait, that's a good reaction... I think.)
Err... Um... That'll depend on what Rui's adding in.
Well, then. How about this? First, we'll have her go onstage by herself...

I see, I see! How interestin'! I'll sink about it!
Don't you mean "think"!?
Regardless, this is a never-before-seen act. You got my seal of approval!
...I'm glad.
I wonder what kind of things NeneRobo-chan can do? This'll be fun!
Surely. Do look forward to it.
In any respect, I shall always be the star of the stage, no matter what improvements were made!
Shut up, Flopstar.
"Flop"...? Okay, you'll be Mister Flala today!
Why me!?
It's such a syncopated name though, Mister Flala.
Y-You all better stop! Do not give me a foolish, unrefined nickname!
But Flala, you aren't foolish; you are a fool.
Why y—on top of calling me a fool, you even removed the "mister"!
Flala-flala, lop-lop, fla-la-la-lop~♪
Stop, stooop! Don't you dare make it into an arcane song and dance to ittttt!